Computer Vision (Visione Artificiale) – Università degli Studi di Milano
Capitolo I – Introduzione al tracking di oggetti e di volti
Computer Vision (Visione Artificiale) – Università degli Studi di Milano
Official Site: https://homes.di.unimi.it/campadelli/teaching.html
- LESSON 01 – 02.03.2015: “Introduction to Computer Vision” | ppt(with clips) pdf(printable)
- LESSON 02 – 30.03.2015: “Introduction to OpenCV and Matlab” | pdf
- LESSON 02 – 30.03.2015: “Linear Filtering” | Matlab
- LESSON 02 – 30.03.2015: “Edge Detection: Sobel, Scharr and Canny” | Matlab
- LESSON 03 – 20.04.2015: “Corner and Feature Extraction: Harris – SIFT” | Matlab
- LESSON 04 – 11.05.2015: “Object Detection: Integral Image, Haar Features and AdaBoost” | ppt(with clips) pdf(printable)
- LESSON 05 – 13.05.2015: “How to Detect an Object with Matlab” | Matlab
- LESSON 05 – 13.05.2015: “From Tracking to Classification: CONDENSATION, ASM and Models” | ppt(with clips) pdf(printable)
- LESSON 06 – 13.05.2015: “Shape Analysis” | Matlab
- LESSON 07 – 25.05.2015: “Training a Car Detector with OpenCV/Matlab” | Dataset For Training
Lecture at Università degli Studi di Milano | #askVisionary
Milan, “From Computer Vision to Natural Interaction” 23.10.2014
Second Lecture about computer vision, interactive art, augmented reality and natural interaction.
OpenCV to build a driverless car detector.
Lecture at Università degli Studi di Milano | #askVisionary
Milan, “From Computer Vision to Natural Interaction” 21.10.2014
First lecture about computer vision, interactive art, augmented reality and natural interaction.
Lecture at Università degli Studi di Milano
Milan, Computer Science Department 26.01.2013
Lecture about Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in collaboration w/ professor Giuseppe Boccignone.
Lecture at Università degli Studi di Milano
Milan, Computer Science Department 20.05.2011
Lecture about pixel-wise motion detection for real time object detection in collaboration w/ professor Paola Campadelli.